Food Diary Analysis

Including personalised example meal days.

Gain valuable insights into your nutrition, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive steps towards your health and wellness goals.  Start your journey to a healthier you today!

The food diary analysis is for you if you are looking to make improvements to your diet for health or weight reasons.

It is designed to help you understand your current eating patterns, identify areas for enhancement, and create a roadmap for achieving your nutritional goals.

Making changes to your current diet, focusing on nutrients, and making smart swaps can contribute to weight management, improve your health, boost your energy, and cultivate a positive mindset.

After signing up, you’ll receive an invitation to complete a brief questionnaire and food diary.  This will give me an insight into your food preferences, likes and dislikes, and any struggles around food you may be facing. 

Based on this information I will create personalised recommendations with nutritional information, and strategies tailored to your goals.  This will also include example meal days and food choices, with a breakdown of portion sizes, protein, and calories to meet your nutrient targets.

Let me show you how to level up your nutrition and effectively structure, and balance your meals.  Sometimes all you need is a focus to help you get started.

Food diary analysis

Thank you for my food diary analysis.

The meal plan examples were so helpful and there’s alot of variety which helps me … I’m on it 100% this week and actually eating more, calorie counting has helped which I’ve never really done before.  First week, 2lbs off and I did a long cycle at the weekend, long may it last.

Thank you so much.

Food Diary Analysis

Areas you might be looking to address with a food diary analysis …

  • How to structure your calories to support weight loss goals
  • Learn how combining foods for balanced nutrition can reduce mindless snacking, and curb hunger
  • Reduce ultra-processed foods
  • Discover ways to improve your nutrition for optimal health
  • Learn how to fuel your body effectively around workouts
  • Increase your protein/fibre intake
  • Have you recently changed to plant based, vegetarian, vegan, etc – learn how to ensure you are including all the necessary nutrients
  • Are you bored of eating the same meals every day – explore new ideas around food choices
  • Manage snacking habits

What’s included …

  • Food diary analysis allowing me an insight into your current choices, enabling me to make suggestions according to your goals
  • Personalised example meal days and food choices with protein and calorie targets
  • Personalised action plan with nutrition strategies & targets
  • Go-to time savers, meal builders, store cupboard staples and other resources to assist with creating balanced meals and snacks
  • Meal planning resource
  • Quick query WhatsApp support for 3 weeks following receipt of your plan

**Please note only registered dieticians can provide prescriptive eating plans.  The example meal days and food options in your food diary analysis provide guidance and suggestions for improving your current nutrition in line with your calorie targets, goals, and preferences.  The breakdown I provide includes portion sizes, no. of calories and shows the amount of protein per meal/snack.


I really enjoyed my time working with Deb, and always felt very supported. It was great having someone who understands the pressures of life and was always there to encourage me with no judgement! Together we worked on introducing small changes that are now just second nature, and when I go off track, I know it’s about getting back to basics and making a plan, we love a plan!

H – London

Endometriosis & digestive issues

I have struggled with my weight for a while now since being diagnosed with an Under Active Thyroid and also pre diabetes which runs in both sides of my family. Debbie helped me understand what And how I eat has effected my weight gain. With the help of Debbie and her tips and encouragement I have achieved some weight loss in the 6 weeks I have followed her help and guidance. If you want to feel better in yourself and see your goals in a better light sign up today!

J – Guildford

Under-active thyroid, Pre-diabetic

I wanted to be supported by someone who shared my goals and who wouldn’t judge me ... she listened to me even when I wanted to change to a vegan diet. Debbie offered practical support and advice on alternatives, vitamins and supplements. I wanted to change my habits more than anything. I am losing weight slowly and steadily and almost a stone lighter.

L – Wiltshire

Busy working mum, Peri-menopausal