Nutrition | Health | Weight Loss

Hi, welcome to my blog page, helping you bust through the many myths in the nutrition world.

Empowering you to thrive with science-backed guidance and personalised support to nourish your body and mind.

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards better health and wellbeing? You’ve come to the right place! My blog is designed to provide you with inspiration, tips, and practical advice to help you achieve your goals whilst living your best life.

You can expect to find content around my five key pillars, alongside information on how nutrition can help manage specific conditions such as PCOS, digestive issues, and other health concerns.

Healthy Eating and Recipes Discover delicious, easy-to-make recipes. I’ll share nutritional advice, meal planning tips, and creative ways to make healthy eating enjoyable and sustainable. Click here for my meal planning resource with 12 quick & easy meal ideas.

Mindset and Motivation Your mindset plays an important role in your wellness journey. Explore strategies to create a positive outlook, stay motivated, and overcome common obstacles. From dealing with stress and building self-confidence my articles will help you stay on track.

Habit and Behaviour Change Lasting change starts with the right habits. Learn how making small, manageable changes can lead to big results over time.  By setting realistic habits, you can maintain a positive attitude whilst achieving your goals.  Click here for a resource to help you move away from the all-or-nothing mindset.

Midlife and Menopause Navigating midlife and menopause can be challenging, but you’re not alone.  I’ll offer support and information on managing this phase of life. Find advice on how nutrition & movement can help you during this time.  Discover how making self-care and lifestyle adjustments can make this transition smoother and more empowering.

Weight Loss and Health Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a common goal, and I’m here to support you every step of the way. My weight loss content includes evidence-based strategies, success stories, and practical tips to help you lose weight healthily and sustainably. I focus on long-term success rather than quick fixes, ensuring you build habits that last.

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I’ve made healthier habits,  but the biggest change is meeting friends and socialising and enjoying life again.  I knew I needed accountability to get back on track .. I have adopted healthier habits and found joy in my life again.

D – peri-menopausal

Nutrition & Mindset

3 ways to shift your mindset …. right now!

Embrace your starting point:

You’re not failing, you just haven’t found what works for you, and your lifestyle yet. Start from where you are now and develop habits and behaviours that work for you. Want to dive deeper? Download my guide here for strategies to help with this.

Enjoy your food without restriction:

Rather than fixating on what you can’t have, shift your focus to what you can add to your diet.  There’s no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods and adding nourishing choices to your meals can help satisfy cravings and prevent overeating.

Be kind to yourself:

Your worth isn’t determined by a number on a scale, or the amount of steps you’ve taken.  I want to move you away from the constant rollercoaster of emotions ….. constantly feeling guilty ….. constantly thinking about what you “can’t do”. It’s exhausting, and quite frankly life is too short to feel this way!


You have been so supportive and knowledgeable … you have changed my life in such a short time and I will always be grateful for your support and guidance.

I honestly can’t thank you enough. Lifelong habits have been formed and I feel like everything has changed for the better. I honestly don’t think you understand the profound effect you have had on me. I am eternally grateful. Thank you for being you.

I can honestly say it has been a game changer with how I think about food, exercise and myself. Deb breaks each week down into easy to follow steps so you are not completely overwhelmed with the whole process. I would definitely recommend anyone to do this.

The best thing about this programme is by far the accountability it provides me. The check ins are a quick and simple format that provides clarity to Debs but more importantly to myself. The feedback provided is encouraging and doable focusing on smaller steps to build good habits for the long term. I would 100% recommend this.