Weight loss success stories

Health, wellbeing and weight loss success stories … 

"You have changed my life in such a short time. If you want to feel better in yourself and see your goals in a better light sign up today!"

I have struggled with my weight for a while now since being diagnosed with an Under-active Thyroid and also pre diabetes, which runs in both sides of my family.

Debbie helped me understand what and how I eat has effected my weight gain. With the help of Debbie and her tips and encouragement I have achieved weight loss.

You have been so supportive and knowledgeable which has helped me to where I am today. In just the first 6 weeks I could see a difference in me and after 12 weeks I feel so much better in myself and others have noticed

I will always be grateful for your support and guidance.

Jo, Guildford – Under-active Thyroid, Pre-diabetic
16.5lbs weight loss – health & weight loss success stories

"If you are looking to make sustainable, long-term changes then I can’t recommend Debbie highly enough"

After years with an unhealthy attitude towards food and losing weight, Debbie’s programme and the support she provides has been a game changer for me.

Everything is broken down into small, manageable steps with the focus on making good choices and improvements rather than restrictions, and each week builds on another good habit which I found much easier to maintain long-term than rushing in with an all or nothing attitude.

What really sets Debbie apart is her positive attitude which especially comes across in the feedback and support she provides, and her rounded approach which includes sleep, stress management, outdoor activity and how you feel about yourself rather than just the numbers on the scales.

Thank you Debbie for making me a fitter, healthier and happier person!

Sarah, Leeds –
13lbs weight loss – health & weight loss success stories

“If you are struggling with making changes and making them stick, then I would recommend Deb without hesitation.”

I initially signed up to Deb’s 6 week One Step at a Time programme and I can honestly say it has been a game changer with how I think about food, exercise and myself.​

Deb breaks each week down into easy to follow steps so you are not completely overwhelmed with the whole process. I found that having it broken down this way made me feel that I could actually do this – and I did!

I’d tried doing it myself before but got disheartened as I tried to change too many things at once, which I have now discovered is not the answer! You need to understand what you are doing and why you are doing it and Deb gets that across perfectly.

She offers complete support and is always on hand to answer any questions. I would definitely recommend anyone to do this – I even signed up for a further 3 week mini Christmas challenge.

Sandy, Worthing – Peri-menopausal, Under-active Thyroid
Dropped a dress size – health & weight loss success stories

"I honestly can't thank you enough. Lifelong habits have been formed and I feel like everything has changed for the better, and that it is sustainable."

I had lost my motivation in losing weight and having a fun new way to do it really helped.

I like the fact you are vulnerable and understand that life doesn’t run smoothly.  I never felt I had to lie if things hadn’t gone well.  I honestly don’t think you understand the profound effect you have had on me. I am eternally grateful.  Thank you for being you.

Louise, Somerset – busy mum
6lbs weight loss – health & weight loss success stories

"Thank you for your support and helping me navigate ways to help me feel more focused and motivated but also to be kinder to myself!"

My motivation, self worth, my sleep and stress were all suffering and now I feel so much better in all those aspects.

Debbie has helped me focus, educated me on making better food choices and also making me realise that it’s ok if everyday doesn’t always go to plan.

She has also helped embed better habits and overall making me so much happier about myself.

Eve, Godalming – Peri-menopausal
7lbs weight loss – health & weight loss success stories

"I feel so much happier, enjoy my food and there is no sense of guilt, restriction or anxiety."

Very positive experience!

I feel so much more relaxed around food and can manage special occasions and festive periods without worry. Debbie has really helped with building some healthy habits into my daily routine and reframing my view of ‘dieting’. I feel so much happier, enjoy my food and there is no sense of guilt, restriction or anxiety. I know I have lost weight, as my clothes fit a lot better and I feel so much more energetic.

I left the weigh-in until the last session, only to find out my scales had stopped working. I happily made the decision not to replace them as it makes no difference to me anyway. Hooray 🙂

Mary, Godalming – health & weight loss success stories

"I am no longer 'sleepwalking' my way through life. Such an amazing experience."

I thought I was very self aware but I discovered a lot about myself by observing my thoughts and emotions.

Debbie supports you through the process of understanding what you want to change and, more importantly, why you want to make those changes.

I am now more accountable to myself for the choices I make, not just food but sleep habits and exercise too. This has enabled me to make small changes that build up into healthier habits.

I see each day as a practice, like yoga, I try to do what is best each day for what my body and mind needs on that day and move away from the notions of good and bad, success and failure.

Nicky – Worthing – Peri-menopausal
7lbs weight loss – health & weight loss success stories

"I've made healthier habits, but the biggest change is meeting friends and socialising and enjoying life again."

I came to Debbie after putting on weight in lockdown and feeling disconnected from my body.  I knew I need accountability to get back on track and after an initial chat with Debbie, I was very happy to sign up to her 12 week programme.

Debbie’s resources are fantastic, as was our weekly check in call.  After 12 weeks working together, I have adopted healthier habits and am able to socialise and find joy in my life again.

I am forever grateful. x

Deirdre, Ireland – Peri-menopausal – health & weight loss success stories