Personalised weight loss coaching for your health and wellbeing.  Say goodbye to the frustration and confusion of ‘fad diets’ … and hello to achieving long-term results.

Weight Loss Coaching

Introducing ‘Prioritise You’ – £199pm
1-1 VIP weight loss coaching for health & wellbeing

Are you tired of …

going on endless diets, only to find yourself back at square one?

starting each day with good intentions, but ending up feeling defeated by dinner time?

skipping social events because you’re worried about food choices and how you look?

dragging yourself to the gym or forcing in those dreaded steps?

How would it feel to …

discover realistic, simple strategies that work for you in the long term?

wake up each morning feeling motivated, energised, and ready for the day ahead?

enjoy social outings without stressing over food, or your outfit?

look forward to daily activity, choosing movements that suit your lifestyle?

You have changed my life in such a short time. If you want to feel better in yourself and see your goals in a better light sign up today!

I believe in not putting your life on hold until you reach a certain weight, or body shape.

Start living the life you want today.

Are you trying your best to be as healthy as you can, but find it’s a daily battle against ‘being good’ vs the biscuit tin, or a glass of wine?

If you’re struggling and feel like there’s no end in sight, I want you to know that I hear you, and you’re not alone.  I am passionate about lifting women up and supporting you to achieve your goals, so you can feel like ‘you’ again.

When we start thinking about ‘losing weight’ or improving our health, we often associate it with thoughts of restricting food, limiting social events, and spending hours in the gym.

But it doesn’t have to be like that …

Weight loss coaching isn’t just about shedding pounds—it’s about looking at your overall health as a whole.  I place a high importance on your future health, your mood, energy levels, quality of sleep and most importantly – ‘how you feel!’

Instead of a one-size-fits-all programme that you may struggle to fit into your life, we work together to implement simple, realistic changes that will work for you and your lifestyle.  There are no impractical suggestions like early morning workouts when you already have busy mornings (or if you’re just not a morning person), or complicated meal prep on top of a hectic work schedule.

I have a special interest in habit and behaviour change – there’s always a solution, we just have to find the one that works for you.  Through my 1-1 weight loss coaching programme, I’ll equip you with the tools to incorporate healthy habits into your life so you can achieve lasting results and make positive changes that stick.

Let’s finally free you from the never-ending cycle of weight loss and help you achieve the results you’ve been striving for.

I created Prioritise You! as my 12-week online weight loss coaching programme, to help you lose weight, gain confidence, boost your energy and improve your health.

It's all about you

We’ll begin with an initial chat to assess your starting point and goals. 

The first step can feel daunting but I’m here to listen, without judgement.   

Consultation form

My approach for weight loss coaching goes beyond simply providing calorie and step targets for you to follow.  I listen to your needs and take a holistic view of your whole health, including sleep, stress, energy and mood.

Your bespoke plan

Your personalised nutrition & lifestyle plan is created for you using evidence-based strategies. 

Alongside ongoing coaching, this guide will support you on your journey.

Ongoing support

However you chose to work with me, I pride myself in providing a high level of support and motivation.  We will have 12 coaching sessions (weekly recorded feedback with optional calls at week 4, 8 & 12).

You’ll also have access to me via WhatsApp as and when you need me.

Healthy habits for good

We will work together to make simple, yet realistic changes to your current habits, and establish new ones that you can maintain.

You’ll discover how making mindful choices can empower you to break free from fad diets, the all-or-nothing mindset, and improve your relationship with food.

What's included?

  • Personalised nutrition & lifestyle plan
  • Initial ‘next steps’ call
  • 12 x check in sessions
  • WhatsApp support as required
  • Food diary analysis
  • Example meal days
  • Recipe and meal ideas
  • Access to your personal client area
  • A library of resources
  • Optional habit & progress trackers
  • Optional workout plans
I came to Debbie after putting on weight in lockdown and feeling disconnected from my body. Debbie's resources are fantastic, as was our weekly check in call. After 12 weeks working together, I have adopted healthier habits and am able to socialise and find joy in my life again. I am forever grateful. X

D – Ireland

Business owner, Peri-menopausal

You have been so supportive and knowledgeable which has helped me to where I am today. In just the first 6 weeks I could see a difference in me and after 12 weeks I feel so much better in myself and others have noticed You have changed my life in such a short time and I will always be grateful for your support and guidance.

J – Guildford

Under-active thyroid, Pre-diabetic

My motivation, self worth, my sleep and stress were all suffering and now I feel so much better in all those aspects. The other plus side is the 7lbs weight loss. She has helped me embed better habits and overall making me so much happier about myself.

E – Godalming

Busy working mum, Peri-menopausal

How would it feel to be more energised, more motivated, and less stressed?

Let’s work together to level up your healthy habits so they work for you, and your goals.

What results can I expect?

A lot of that will depend on you. Together we will set realistic goals and strategies but you will need to implement them. My goal is to help you become confident in yourself and your food choices, providing support and accountability as you work towards achieving your goals. Head to my testimoninal page to see some results my clients have achieved, through weight loss coaching and nutrition and lifestyle coaching.

Do you offer other packages that aren't shown on the website?

I understand that everyone’s budget and needs are different, so I do offer bespoke packages that can be tailored to fit your needs, and financial situation.  If the packages I offer on my website don’t suit your preferences, then book a free call with me, or send me an email, and I’ll see how I can help you. 🥰​

Do you just do weight loss coaching?

Clients predominently come to me for weight loss but I do much more than that.  We focus on your habits & behaviours to integrate into your life for the long term.  I also have a lot of clients that come to me for nutrition to improve menopause symptoms or for specific health issues such as diabetes, PCOS, digestive issues, to name a few.

Do you have experience of working with peri/menopausal women?

Yes around 80% of my clients are peri/menopausal.  I am also in the midst of it myself and ensure that I am always up to date with the latest research. Head to my ‘success stories’ page to see the results some of my clients have achieved.

Do you have experience of working with specific health issues?

Yes.  I don’t just do weight loss coaching.  I offer nutrition and lifestyle support for women looking for help with PCOS, Endometriosis, IBS, Type 2/Pre Diabetes, Thyroid issues (to name but a few).

Do I need to follow a meal plan?

No, you don’t have to follow a meal plan.  I provide example meal days alongside guidance and support to enable you to eat the foods you enjoy whilst making sure you are reaching your nutrition goals.  My aim is to help you develop healthy eating habits that work for you, and support your long-term health and wellness.

Do you work with men?

Yes, although the majority of my clients are women I do also work with men.

Can you provide me with an exercise or workout plan?

Whilst I’m not a personal trainer, I can provide generic home and gym workouts upon request.  These workouts are written by a personal trainer and are subject to a questionnaire.  I am unable to advise around injuries.