Frequently asked questions…

Debbie is a lovely lady, she has helped me week on week to improve my nutrition and is always there with a kind word and a guiding hand. I would 100% recommend her to anyone!

Nutrition & Weight Loss Coaching
What results can I expect?

A lot of that will depend on you. Together we will set realistic goals and strategies but you will need to implement them. My goal is to help you become confident in yourself and your food choices, providing support and accountability as you work towards achieving your goals. Head to my testimoninal page to see some results my clients have achieved.

What's the main difference between your 1-1 monthly and 12 week coaching packages?

12-week VIP package:  A highly personalised transformative journey with weekly coaching calls, diving deep into your nutrition & lifestyle

  • You will receive a comprehensive, personalised, in-depth nutrition & lifestyle plan with strategies and targets.
  • Food diary analysis – example meal days and food choices will be tailored to your goals and based on your food preferences following completion of a 3-day food diary.
  • Weekly coaching calls will be held to provide support and accountability.

Monthly package:  Ideal for those who prefer a lighter touch in coaching, you may already have worked with me, have a short deadline, or are just looking for extra guidance and support to keep you heading in the right direction.  Offers recorded feedback for flexible support tailored to your schedule, without being tied to specific call times.

  • You’ll receive your personalised nutrition targets accompanied with The Kickstart guide outlining nutrition & lifestyle fundamentals, along with some initial strategies to get you started.
  • Example meal days and food choices provided will be generic.
  • Feedback from your weekly check-ins will be provided via recorded feedback.
Do you offer other packages that aren't shown on the website?

I understand that everyone’s budget and needs are different, so I do offer bespoke packages that can be tailored to fit your needs, and financial situation.  If the packages I offer on my website don’t suit your preferences, then book a free call with me, or send me an email, and I’ll see how I can help you. 🥰​

Do you have experience of working with peri/menopausal women?

Yes I have experience of working successfully with women in peri/menopause – around 80% of my clients are peri/menopausal.  I am also in the midst of it myself and ensure that I am always up to date with the latest research. Head to my ‘success stories’ page to see the results some of my clients have achieved.

Do you have experience of working with specific health issues?

Yes I have experience of working successfully with women with PCOS, Endometriosis, IBS, Type 2/Pre Diabetes, Thyroid issues (to name but a few).

Do I need to follow a meal plan?

No, you don’t have to follow a meal plan.  I provide example meal days alongside guidance and support to enable you to eat the foods you enjoy whilst making sure you are reaching your nutrition goals.  My aim is to help you develop healthy eating habits that work for you, and support your long-term health and wellness.

Do you work with men?

Yes, although the majority of my clients are women I do also work with men.

Can you provide me with an exercise or workout plan?

Whilst I’m not a personal trainer, I can provide generic home and gym workouts upon request.  These workouts are written by a personal trainer and are subject to a questionnaire.  I am unable to advise around injuries.

I came to Debbie after putting on weight in lockdown and feeling disconnected from my body.

I knew I needed accountability to get back on track and after an initial chat with Debbie, I was very happy to sign up to her 12 week programme.

Debbie’s resources are fantastic, as was our weekly check in call. After 12 weeks working together, I have adopted healthier habits and am able to socialise and find joy in my life again.

I am forever grateful. X

D - Ireland

Business owner, Peri-menopausal

You have changed my life and I feel so much better in myself since starting 12 weeks ago.

You have been so supportive and knowledgeable which has helped me to where I am today. In just the first 6 weeks I could see a difference in me and after 12 weeks I feel so much better in myself and others have noticed

You have changed my life in such a short time and I will always be grateful for your support and guidance.

J, Guildford

Under-active thyroid, Pre-diabetic

My motivation, self worth, my sleep and stress were all suffering and now I feel so much better in all those aspects.  The other plus side is the 7lbs weight loss.

Debbie has helped me focus, educated me on making better food choices and also making me realise that it’s ok if everyday doesn’t always go to plan.

She has also helped embed better habits and overall making me so much happier about myself.

E, Godalming

Busy working mum, Peri-menopausal